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SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2020 "Kiss from the darkness"

SUM HUI 此時此處演唱會2023.jpg

日期:2020年6月21日 (SUN)
時間:19:00 開演
地點:旺角麥花臣場館 MacPherson Stadium
票價:HK$ 990 (VIP) / $890 (企位- 憑門票序號進場)
HK$ 790 / $690 / $490 (劃位坐位)
主辦:不凡娛樂/ 大名娛樂 / 太陽娛樂 / 棋人娛樂


SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2020 "Kiss from the darkness" 香港場演出延期通知

鑑於新型冠狀病毒疫情於全球各地持續,為保障觀眾的健康及安全起見,原定於2020年6月21 麥花臣場館MacPherson Stadium 舉行SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2020 "Kiss from the darkness" 香港場決定延期至另行通知 。凡經Cityline 購買門票之觀眾,可獲全數退款。有關辦理退款事宜及詳情,將儘快於Cityline網站公布。

Show Postponement Announcement for "SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2020 "Kiss from the darkness"

Due to the growing threats of Coronavirus in the World and in view of public health concerns, the upcoming performance of "SCANDAL WORLD TOUR 2020 "Kiss from the darkness" " scheduled on 21 June 2020, at Macpherson Stadium is postponed until further notice. Customers who purchased tickets via Cityline will be arranged for a full refund subject to the Refund Arrangement, which will be announced on Cityline website as soon as possible.

For further ticket refund arrangement enquiries, please email to

Thank you for your understanding.

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